Here in Texas it's been hinting that Spring is making it's arrival! I'm totally okay with that :) I'll be even happier when we don't get rain every other day like we live in Seattle or something!!! Totally not for that again! (although Seattle is BEAUTIFUL!)
KC is fixing this four-wheeler for his buddy, so i had to give it a run in our backyard ;)....okay, now it works!
I took these pictures right after work today!

I love this picture of Brightyn, she is totally SMELLING the flowers!!! HAHAHAAHA. So afterwards, I wanted her to sniff again so I can take an even cuter picture, and she bit the flower!!! I'm such a dork for even trying to show her the flower AGAIN!
Ashley had a AWESOME wreath she made I had to create one myself. :) Of course my town is smalllllll (20,000pop.) and we don't have a target, hobby lobby, or really any craft store here... so I went to trusty 'ol Goodwill and SCORED a $.99 wreath, a large one!!!!
So that's my started wreath, ive actually gotten more than this done, just haven't taken a picture yet :)
Happy Thursday!!
OH! And I planted a few plants in the front ill take pictures later!
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